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Address: Dijkstoellaan 16
Postal Code: 6661 ML
City: Elst
Province: Gelderland

Telephone: +31 – 6 – 51 047 045

E-mail address: info@fliders.eu

Chamber of Commerce: 09168604
VAT: NL162757530B01

IBAN: NL08 KNAB 0730 0151 65
Account name: Synectivo
Address of bank: Capellalaan 25, 2132 JK, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands

Fliders.eu is a trade mark of Synectivo. Unfortunately, our bank (KNAB) doesn’t support different trade marks on our bank account. Please use the name of Synectivo when you pay by wire transfer. If you have any questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact us! We are willing to inform you the best we can.

Kontakt Formular

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